2009  |  designed for Vertigo Bird

Lamps from the SAX family represent an alternative to all surface-mounted downlighters. Its 26 different variations cover the entire spectrum of lighting-design requirements. The choice of different light sources means that this model also has a wide range of applications. Following the latest trends in energy savings, it offers a choice of 5 different light sources with 7 different variations. From 12V or 230V spots for mood lighting to fluorescent lamps for general lighting.

SAX comes in 3 different standard lengths and 2 standard colors: black and white. As a special feature, custom-made colors are available based on the RAL color scheme. Pick your color and jazz up your space with the SAX lamp to let the light flow like music into the room. Are you ready to play?

visit also the Vertigo Bird website

house B by Format Elf Architekten | photos by Cardula De Bloeme

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